Persephone - Death (2021)
Watercolor & Gold leaf

Persephone - Life (2020)
Watercolor & Gold leaf

Bjorn (2021)
Race: Magical Creature (Cursed being)
Class: Hunters -----> Protector
Time Period: 926 AD
Bjorn was once three brothers who loved to hunt, drink, and go to war. Not very bright as men they constantly fought over food, drink, women, money, and title. One day they set out for a hunt and came across a large beast. Immediatley they aimlessly shot arows, piercing the poor creatures hide. They tortured the poor beast, all the while laughing at it's pain. The moon godess Mani saw this and took pitty on the poor animal’s soul and gave it new life as a star.
The three brothers did not recieve the same mercy. The moon Goddess decided that they should be men no more and turned them in to one being known as Bjorn. They were then cursed to roam the earth as a three headed bear for 800 years. Mani only thought it fair that they protect what they once tortured and gave them the job of looking after the creatures they once killed for sport. However, she knew that man would find out about the beast, and out of fear hunt the three headed bear. Eventually Bjorn would be hunted mercilessly like those creatures before him. Mani however, would took pitty and eventually turned them into a star after death. Giving them a new job, as a reward for their good deeds, to guide all lost creatures back to their home.
© Sara McCormick

Watercolor & Digital (2020)

Digital (2021)